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St Martial Transparent Dishonesty

New Lotto for the Bourgeoisie

Sunday 27 February 2011, by A correspondent

Transparent dishonesty is the new stay rich game for the French bourgeoisie. Following the American pattern, the rich are now gambling on the French courts.

Because the French legal system does not allow for costs to be paid by the losers of any court action, the French legal system favours the rich, and anywhere the rich are favoured they will play.

We have just been taken to court for non hosting of a site and damages sought are in the region of €27,000. A bagatelle for some, a fortune for us.

Those seeking our money have stated that they know it is nothing to do with us and that they have understood the following simple precepts of web hosting as I explained to them below but the chance of gambling in the French courts has turned their heads

<< Bon, explication de la situation

Registrant proprietaire de domaines (les noms)

Il decide et registre les serveurs pour une domaine

ie les ’nameservers’ pour les sites hebergés par moi sont et

Pour et ils etaient changés reccemment à et c’est les serveurs que T..... utilise pour ses sites.


Provide l’espace pour des fichiers d’une site web + certains services comme apache, php, etc. Tous vos fichiers sont toujours sur mais ils sont invisble si les ’nameservers’ ne sont pas registrés comme et


et comparez ca avec

la difference: la deuxieme est visible.

Je n’ai pas access aux ’nameservers’ de les deux sites et je ne suis pas le registrant. Il n’y a rien que je peux faire.

J’espere c’est tout resolu bientot.


Rob >>

I am praying that St Martial can return and oust Mammon from their souls.

Putting aside this case, there is a very important question to be asked. Should it not be the duty of barristers to assess claims and refuse to assist spurious and malevolent claims? Have legal ethics become the new throw aways of our get rich at all costs society?

Forum posts

  • And ,absolutely unbelieveably, their web designers had informed me they were/wanted to change the dns records on the 26/1/2009 some 4 months before the records were changed by the registrant (obviously not by me) and hence even to this date I have their full ’sites’ files taking up space on my server and invisible to all because the names are pointed at some other server.

    Original Message -----
    From: Rob Thorne
    To: christopher specia
    Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 4:51 PM
    Subject: Re: site prieuré saint martial

    ...... a les registrations il faut le demander a changer les dns. Je pense Hubert et Veronique a ses contacts.
    Best regards,
    Rob Thorne

    Original Message -----

    Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 1:21 PM
    Subject: site prieuré saint martial


    Je suis l’une des personne chargées du nouveau site du prieuré saint martial.
    A cause d’un problème de quota et de limite de bande passante, j’aurais besoin de rediriger les noms de domaine et vers notre serveur.

    Merci de m’indiquer la marche a suivre ainsi que les identifiants permettant cela.

    Vous pouvez m’appeler au ............. pour toute question ou précision.

    Merci d’avance.

    Cordialement,Christopher S........

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