Southern Times

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Home > What’s Up, d’Oc? > No Christmas in Agde

No Christmas in Agde

Friday 10 December 2004, by A correspondent

We’ve received a mail from a young mum who has moved to and settled in Agde, she thinks Christmas is rather hollow there with a lack of spirit and ’animation’.

Here is the body of her mail,
"I am a new comer in Agde. I was more than 20 years in Germany. But I’m french.
For this christmas season, I’m very disapointed about what’s going on in Agde.
Did you notice that nowhere are decoration in the street. No

Why is there no christmas market ? This region has so many artists,handworkers, traditions. Agde is close to Montpellier, not far from Spain.
There are more and more people coming from other countries.
Why don’t we create next year a market place by meeting people and sharing the beautiful christmas time togather ? Why in Agde is nothing going on for
this opportunity ?"

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