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Home > Need a Hand? > jeanne couch

jeanne couch

renovating and making friends in Pezenas

Wednesday 11 January 2006, by jeanne couch

I would love to meet anyone who has already done what I am about to do on my own, renovate a medieval petit maison. I will be in Pezenas from next Wed.4/01 is there anyone who would like to meet up for a coffee and chat. I coulc do with all the advice I can get !!

My name is Jeanne and I live in Sevenoaks in Kent at the moment. I have wanted a house in |France for the last 20 years but my husband was not very keen.
Consequently, I have ditched the husband and bought a tiny place to get started !
My two daughters are very excited and hope to spend their long summer holidays from University here
I would love to know if there is an ex.pats club and have just found this web site which is fantastic.
What I do need to know of is trades people who others have used and could recommend.

JC 29/12/05

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